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Putting Community First

Our community is more than just housing. Our community includes parks, trails and local jobs. In fact there are so many considerations. Transportation. City services. The environment. Arts and entertainment.  Each of these contribute to a high quality of life for residents.


Ensuring Port Moody remains such a desirable place to live into the future will require careful planning.  As a small city we need to focus on the right type of growth but not overdevelop.  


Port Moody’s next city council has to take a responsible approach to growth while building housing types we actually need. We have focused for too long on luxury condos. 


We also need to prioritize the things that have been left behind that are critical to quality of life in our city such as parkland expansion and enhancement, and building a vibrant local economy.

My Platform


Responsible Growth... Not Overdevelopment

Port Moody has focused on luxury condos long enough. What we need to focus on now is building housing that actually meets our community's needs while sticking to our agreed-to growth plan of 50,000 people by 2041. Not exceeding it. Housing development needs to occur as part of a community approach that also considers parkland, the local economy, and finally getting serious about traffic issues to support a high quality of life in Port Moody.


Make Park Expansion a Top Priority

As the community grows we need to also enhance and grow our urban parkland. This includes the significant expansion of Rocky Point Park to the west. This is necessary to support an increasing population as well as increasing visitors to our parks. Every resident of Port Moody deserves to have access to parkland, trails and greenspaces that offer positive experiences without excessive overcrowding or the need to drive. It's time for Port Moody to prioritize our parks and trails.


Rebuild our Local Economy & Create Jobs

Port Moody can be so much more than a bedroom community. We need to increase the number of local, well-paying jobs in our city. Adding a few retail spaces at the bottom of new multi-family development will not get Port Moody to its jobs growth target of 42 jobs per 100 people. We need to build designated employment districts while bolstering the city’s commercial tax base. Building the local economy is critical to supporting a strong community.

Growing responsibly means not overdeveloping while ensuring new housing actually meets the needs of our community, including more rentals and family-oriented development. We also need to focus on expanding and improving our parks and creating more local, well-paying jobs. Together these all support a high quality of life in Port Moody.

Haven Lurbiecki

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If you want to get involved, have any questions about my campaign or the work I’ve done in the community, please reach out!