
New Westminster & District Labour Council has endorsed Haven Lurbiecki for Port Moody City Council


Force of Nature Alliance has endorsed Haven Lurbiecki for Port Moody City Council

Haven has already shown us what it takes to be a socially active and responsible citizen in her community. She gives back and will continue to work towards a more robust, authentic and unique city. We know she is willing to do the work and her strong voice and steady determination is just what we need. Haven will have our vote on election day.

– Jim and Judy Atkinson, Port Moody Environmental Stewards

Will our Council keep moderate growth in proper balance, or let runaway over-building spoil the community we love? The Council you elect for the next four years will largely determine the destiny of Port Moody's livability over the next three decades. Across the key public debates of our time, Haven has repeatedly stepped to the front line in defense of our quality of life, calling for more reasonable, affordable development, expanding Rocky Point Park, and creating ways to improve amenities for our residents. Kind, smart, dedicated, and not beholden to special interests of any kind -- Haven is exactly the fresh energy that Port Moody needs in our next City Hall.

– Hunter Madsen, Port Moody City Councillor

Haven uses her strategic thinking skills to identify issues and collaborates with her team to find solutions. In the 7 years I have known Haven, she has always shown dedication to the future of her community. I know her decisive leadership, strong work ethic and passion for social and environmental justice will have a positive impact on Port Moody if elected to city council

 – Lisa Gander, Project Lead at an Environmental Non-Profit 

Through civic engagement, Haven has been a fierce advocate for important quality of life issues affecting Port Moody residents such as responsible growth, affordability and park expansion. Through her involvement on civic committees, I have found her to be an independent thinker who is also able to work collaboratively in a group setting. These traits will make Haven an effective and valuable addition to the council table.

 – Steve Milani, Port Moody City Councillor

I had the pleasure of serving on the Parks and Recreation Commission with Haven, and working with her to research and write a report to Council on the importance of establishing a Parkland Acquisition Strategy. I was greatly impressed with the initiative, dedication and passion that Haven brought to the project. Her ideas and views were always thoughtfully considered, balanced and well researched. And underlying her strong work ethic on the project was a belief that residents of Port Moody should continue to have access to high quality parkland as our population continues to grow. I have no doubt that Haven would make an exceptional Councillor and bring that same dedication, commitment and passion to the other issues of importance that the City faces in the coming years.

 – Matthew Turnell, B.Comm, LLB